Article 1 : Green tea could hold the key to reducing antibiotic resistance

Julie Cantineau

Source of the article with publication date and word count

Source of the article : (23/09/2019)

Word count : 405


Words from the text Synonym/explanation in English French translation
Increasingly More and more De plus en plus/ toujours plus
To asseess To estimate/to rate Estimer
Susceptibility State or character of allowing ou admitting of some specified treatment or response Sensibilité/réceptivité
Pathway A way Une voie
Licenced A certificate, tag, document etc, giving official permission to do something / formal permission Autorisé / Autorisation / brevet
Lifespan Longetivity of an individual Durée de vie
Threat An indication or warning of trouble or danger Une menace

Analysis table

Researchers University of Surrey, original author : Natasha Meredith
Published in? When (if mentioned) ? Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2019
General topic? Natural antioxidant helping eliminate antiobiotic resistant bacteria
Procedure/what was examined? - Epigallocatechin (EGCG) can restore activity of aztreonam (common antiobiotic) - In vitro test to analyse interaction with bacteria and EGCG and aztreonam in combinaison or individually - Minimal to no toxicity in human skin cells and Galleria mellonella larvae
Conclusions/discovery? - EGCG increase uptake of aztreonam by increasing permeability in bacteria - Combinaison of aztreonam and EGCG significantly more effective at reducing numbers of bacteria
Remaining questions? - Natural products in combinaison with currently antibiotic may be a way of improving effectiveness - Potential mechanism : EGCG’s interference with biochemical pathway linked to antiobiotic susceptibility


For attribution, please cite this work as

Cantineau (2019, Sept. 18). antibacterial resistance of bacteria / Julie Cantineau: Article 1 : Green tea could hold the key to reducing antibiotic resistance. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Cantineau, Julie},
  title = {antibacterial resistance of bacteria / Julie Cantineau: Article 1 : Green tea could hold the key to reducing antibiotic resistance},
  url = {},
  year = {2019}