Article 2 : The propagation of antibiotic resistant between bacteria

Julie Cantineau

Source of the article with publication date and word count

Source of the article : First published in and then in (october 2019)

Word count : 857


Words from the text Synonym/explanation in English French translation
Spreading To extend Se répandre
Mutate transform/change Subir une mutation
Alongside Beside / next to A côté de
Harbour(ed) To hold/to have Entretenir/avoir
Rendering To report/to interpret Traduction/interprétation
Uncover To reveal/ to unveil/to discover Découvrir
Chunk A piece/a portion Un morceau
Commensal Living in association with us Commensal
Gut Belly/ intestines Ventre/ intestins / entrailles
Harm To damage/ to injury Blesser / faire du mal
Hive A sort of colony of bacteria Une Ruche
Undergo To endure / to experience Subir / effectuer
Flourish To propser / to bloom Se développer
Sweep To remove / to clear Eliminer
Peers A “colleague” / someone else Pair
Thrive To Flourish Se développer
Swapping To exchange Echanger
Bestowed To give / to confer Décerner / conférer
Expectancy Hope Attentes / expectative
Paramount Predominant / supreme / most important Premier -> plus important

Analysis table

Researchers University of Bath, original author : Sali Morris & James S. Horton
Published in? When (if mentioned) ? Not mentioned
General topic? Transmission of antiobiotic resistance between bacteria
Procedure/what was examined? In 2012, a patient contracted a MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphilococcus aureus). First, treatment worked but few months later, MRSA became resistant to treatment. Scientists discovered it was acquiring resistant as a gift of chuck of DNA from another becterium. They discovered that Enterococcus faecaelis (a good bacterium of guts, well resistant to antibiotic) had a system of protection against unwanter DNA (used by scientists to edit DNA) because those bacteria can transfer a part of DNA to other bacteria to make them resistant to antibiotic. Here, it was the case with vicomycine for MRSA.
Conclusions/discovery? Enterococcus faecalis can change its DNA to become resistant against antibiotic and its can transfer a part of DNA to other bacteria to confer the same resistance (as for methicillin resistant Staphilococcus aureus)
Remaining questions? Scientists don’t understand completly how Enterococcus faecalis changes his DNA and which portion of DNA is critical for this bacterium


For attribution, please cite this work as

Cantineau (2019, Nov. 3). antibacterial resistance of bacteria / Julie Cantineau: Article 2 : The propagation of antibiotic resistant between bacteria. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Cantineau, Julie},
  title = {antibacterial resistance of bacteria / Julie Cantineau: Article 2 : The propagation of antibiotic resistant between bacteria},
  url = {},
  year = {2019}