Article 3 : How bacteria nearly killed by antiobiotics can recover and gain resistance

Julie Cantineau
Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli

Source of the article with publication date and word count

Source of the article : (28/05/2019)

Word count : 526


Words from the text Synonym/explanation in English French translation
Resurge (to) To raise again Ressurgir
Wisdom Knowledge Connaissance
Engineered created/developped/manipulated Créé, développé
Disabling Desactivate/turn off Désactivé

Analysis table

Researchers Vanessa R. Povolo & Martin Ackermann
Published in? When (if mentioned) ? Science, vol 364, 24 May 2019
General topic? How bacteria nearly killed by antiobiotics can recover and gain resistance
Procedure/what was examined? Scientists discover that bacteria can exchange plasmids to each other even if there are antibiotic around them. French geneticists genetically make E. Coli fluorescent proteins to watch the mecanism of exchange in live. The experience shows that 70% of bacteria became resistant in 3h to tetracyline (antibiotic) - at the begining there were only a third of bacteria who were resistant. After, when the drug was around, most of bacteria were almost dead (because they aren’t synthetise the resistant proteins against the drug) but the multidrug protein pump extract drug out of bacteria and make some of them revive.
Conclusions/discovery? A protein, called AcrAB-TolC multidrug efflux pump, can remove enough antibiotic molecules out of bacteria to make production of resistant proteins and then, make the bacterium revives.
Remaining questions? Which drugs can be used in people and safe for them ?


For attribution, please cite this work as

Cantineau (2019, Nov. 17). antibacterial resistance of bacteria / Julie Cantineau: Article 3 : How bacteria nearly killed by antiobiotics can recover and gain resistance. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Cantineau, Julie},
  title = {antibacterial resistance of bacteria / Julie Cantineau: Article 3 : How bacteria nearly killed by antiobiotics can recover and gain resistance},
  url = {},
  year = {2019}