Article 5 : Antibiotic-resistant bacteria more prevalent in device-related infections

Julie Cantineau true

Source of the article with publication date and word count

Source of the article : (25/11/2019)

Word count : 417


Words from the text Synonym/explanation in English French translation
Among in the midst of au milieu de
To ensure to secure assurer, garantir

Analysis table

Researchers Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
Published in? When (if mentioned) ? Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 2019
General topic? Healthcare-associated infections (HAI’s) are more inclined to be resistant to antibiotic
Procedure/what was examined? The presence of HAI’s in adult and pediatric healthcare, which bacteria in causes and the effect of hospitalisation’s time.
Conclusions/discovery? HAI’s are more resistant if people stays for a long time at hospital.HAI’s in adult services are more resistant then in pediatric services. Germs present and resistant depend on care localisation and type of infection. The three morecommon HAI’s in adult are Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus areus and Klebsiella.
Remaining questions? /


For attribution, please cite this work as

Cantineau (2019, Dec. 17). antibacterial resistance of bacteria / Julie Cantineau: Article 5 : Antibiotic-resistant bacteria more prevalent in device-related infections. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Cantineau, Julie},
  title = {antibacterial resistance of bacteria / Julie Cantineau: Article 5 : Antibiotic-resistant bacteria more prevalent in device-related infections},
  url = {},
  year = {2019}