Article 6 : Analyzing the differences in antibiotic resistance between the gut and mouth microbiome

Julie Cantineau true

Source of the article with publication date and word count

Source of the article : (04/02/2020)

Word count : 345


Words from the text Synonym/explanation in English French translation
Medication Medicine, treatment Médicaments, traitement
Surge Sudden rush Hausse
Awareness Cognizance, knowledge Connaissance, savoir
Prevalence Hight incidence Prévalence, fréquence
To arise To happen Se produire
Sheer Pure Pur
Grip Grasp, hold Tenir
Whilst Although Bien que
Insights Profound perception Perspicacité
Cohorts Group Cohortes

Analysis table

Researchers King’s College London
Published in? When (if mentioned) ? Nature Communications, 2020
General topic? The different resistome of the body and the importance to know them
Procedure/what was examined? As the mouth is the first entery point of the body, maybe it has an influence in antibiotic resistance. Researchers from King’s College London starts to study different elements of the mouth as saliva, dental plaque etc.
Conclusions/discovery? They have discovered an unique resistome in the mouth.
Remaining questions? Does the gut’s resistome the whole representant the global human resistome ? They will study other spot of the body.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Cantineau (2020, Feb. 17). antibacterial resistance of bacteria / Julie Cantineau: Article 6 : Analyzing the differences in antibiotic resistance between the gut and mouth microbiome. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Cantineau, Julie},
  title = {antibacterial resistance of bacteria / Julie Cantineau: Article 6 : Analyzing the differences in antibiotic resistance between the gut and mouth microbiome},
  url = {},
  year = {2020}